Monday, December 10, 2007

Week Nine - Thoughts about Programme

This has been a very enjoyable learning experience for me. I said in my first blog that I was out of my comfort zone but was determined to see it through to the end - and I have! I'm constantly amazed by the tools that are available for computer users, and what we have learnt here is probably only the tip of the iceberg.

Some things I might have forgotten already (I won't know until I try again), but others I do very easily, like adding photos to my blog and editing drafts. I've occassionally checked out what other colleagues are doing and have been fascinated by the varying range of interests, colour preferences and design styles. I now feel pleased when I hear reference to Flickr or image generators or even just blogs in general, that I know and understand what they are talking about. My teenage daughter laughs when I say 'look at my blog', but I think she is secretly impressed.

Thank you to the people at ACL responsible for making this information available to us and for your help and encouragement along the way.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Week Nine - Ebooks

After watching the video introduction I found the account easy to create and was then able to access I like nonfiction so was quite impressed with the titles available.

I saw several books that I liked and added them to my favourites list. One in particular caught my eye and my first instinct was to check our catalogue to see if it was available. I will need to have a huge shift in attitude to go from holding a book to reading the pages on a computer screen. I still prefer a nicely bound book and being able to flick through the pages randomly, instead of waiting for a computer to download them. My impatience gets me every time! However, having said that there is something appealing about being able to go on holiday with a laptop computer and the possibliltes that would allow.

I remember a year or two ago describing something like the "Kindle" to a work colleage. I thought then that it would just be a matter of time before there was something similar. Maybe one day it will be another taken for granted product. University students might be expected to have them and course notes will be read that way instead of the usual photocopied sheets.

Monday, December 3, 2007


This exercise wasn't going smoothly when I first started and I was getting impatient. However I persevered and eventually it came together. I found a reading of Harry Potter that people had commented on after listening to it (helpful for anyone wondering if it was worth their while) and an interesting lecture by Lisa Hussey about the factors that influence the choice of library studies as a future career.

Once I got started I realised how wonderful this service is. It could be an alternative way to train people - much easier sending out the message without having to type and I'm sure some people learn better by sound rather than sight.

Next day as I was listening to National Radio they said 'listen to the podcasts on our website' and then I realised I've been doing this for a while, without knowing the name of the product I was using. Maybe one day I will want to learn how to be a podcaster. I would have said 'no way' if you'd asked me two months ago but I have learnt so much about what it is possible to do with computers that now I know anything is possible.
Here's the link for National Radio podcasts

Week Nine

I've added a video of Van Morrison singing live (at beginning of my blog). I like his music and it was the name that popped into my head at the time I was thinking of a subject to search.

I've been enjoying Youtube for some time now. It started when I heard on the radio about a man in Sydney who was giving 'free hugs'. The video made about him had become a hit around the world and the local Australian band who were backing it were given a huge boost in record sales. It's not something I'd spend hours doing, but in the process of doing these exercises it's been interesting to see what is available. My teenage daughter watches with interest, using the home computer is her domain and she doesn't want me getting too attached.

What I dislike about the site: What I find really annoying is when trying to watch a video and it doesn't load fast enough and does that stop/start thing that makes me want to give up. At one point I got so frustrated I phoned Telecom and upgraded our monthly plan!

Features and components of the site that might be interesting if applied to library websites: I find videos are a good learning tool so would be useful for staff training within libraries to teach staff new processes. On our public website we could have links to relevant videos, in the same way that we link to other websites. After speaker events at the library video recordings could be available for patrons who were unable to attend on the day.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Test page - Zoho Writer

Jasmin's Test Page

Testing, testing...123

Week Eight

I signed up as a Zoho writer and explored the site. I enjoyed changing the font colours and adding an image, however when I was ready to publish it on my blog it froze. The explanation given was that a script on the page was causing Internet Explorer to run slowly, and that if it continued to run on my computer, it would become non responsive. It seems my fancy script and coloured background were more than it could handle.
The Web 2.0 award nominees were far too numerous to sort through so I chose the short list - still too many! My computer seemed to be incredibly slow, not sure if it was the time of day or the sites I was looking at. I found a site that enabled a writer to self publish. Fifty copies of a 260 page book would cost USD$2,073.

At Bibliocom I checked out the availability of a hard to find book of my favourite author. A helpful site for 'would be authors' also caught my eye, not that I am such a person, but for anybody that is it's great to know all this information is here at the click of a few buttons. That is what I find so useful about the Internet and these exercises have opened my eyes to how much is available, unknown to me as I'd never taken the time to explore in this way.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Week Seven

Wikis - It took me a while to understand how this worked but once I watched the Youtube video it seemed much easier - you edit, write and save - simple. Or so I thought - until I tried it! Eventually got there and now that I can see them in action I think they are a really good idea. I'm just glad we weren't asked to set one up! I am curious about how respectful people are of others efforts, if there are all sorts of crazy stuff that is added by people who deliberately want to sabotage.

Was interesting to read some of the links , such as the Princeton Booklovers. It's a good way to see what other people are reading and to hear their thoughts - like an online book club - and good to read the opinions of the general public, rather than that of a journalist.

I can see that it would be very useful within our library system. When we have events across the system we could share our ideas and programme information in the planning stages, and it would save everyone travelling into Central for meetings. It would also be useful for updating and sharing information in our training manuals.

PBWiki - I have added an entry to the Favourites Blog page. It's taken me a while to get to this point, really needed to persevere this week. Once again it was not really that difficult, just made it so in my head. I'm always grateful for the support of workmates who are a few steps ahead.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Week Six - I kept getting sidetracked as I read through the instructions. I found an interesting Monty Python video and a site discussing the meaning of words. The instruction video was extremely helpful, simply explained and I think it is such a good idea. When I looked through the library based PLCML2 account and read some of the articles I thought how exciting it is to be working in libraries at this time, and how quickly we seem to be moving away from books to these new technologies.

Technorati - the search for blog posts relating to 'learning 2.0' was interesting, 513 results the first time and that had jumped to 542 within ten minutes. The results were less for tags although I saw a lot of similar information. It still amazes me that there are people sitting at their computers constantly working on their blogs, and a whole lot of others out there reading them. I'm not surprised that Youtube, My Space and Facebook are up there as the popular ones. The good thing about these exercises is that I now understand what these sites are all about!

Thoughts on Library 2.0 - At this rate libraries are going to become rows of computers rather than shelves of books. I hope this doesn't happen too quickly. I think we have to accept the changes in our workplace and work out strategies for delivering the services that our users require - hopefully both books and technology.
The video was very helpful. It is so true, information is no longer in books, on a shelf, hard to find and requiring experts. Digital information is very different and we will have to rethink it. Everybody seems to have the information, we're all the experts, and many want their fifteen minutes of fame. All the rules have changed and for me personally it is 'mindboggling'.
At 'ground level' our patrons don't seem overly interested in the amazing resources available through our digital library, instead they just want to hang out with their school mates, check their Bebo sites and watch Youtube videos.
Library 4.0 - can't even imagine where this all starts to come together! Libraries as 'mind gyms' and 'idea labs' - a Wifree space, a retreat from technohustle, with comfortable chairs, good light, quiet and coffee - now that sounds appealing.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Week Five

I expected this week to be easier as it did say fun, however I spent several hours to get to this point, and although it has been fun it's also been frustrating.

However I have learnt some very interesting things in the process. I've made an official looking badge, bordered a photo with autumn leaves and made a CD cover. All very useful ideas that I can use in the future. Being able to make a magazine cover is the best tool as it's a nice idea for adding a bit of fun to a special occassion.

Library Thing - This is a fabulous website and great for anyone who is a booklover or wondering what to 'read next'. Possibly there are similar websites out there but due to my lack of experimentation with internet sites they have been unknown to me until now- where have I been! I appreciate that ACL have encouraged us to learn about these exciting new inventions. Wasn't intending to join up but did so when I realised it was part of the exercise, made an account and added five books.

I created a Rollyo site and added some health websites. I don't think I will use this site again. Actually, now that it is there maybe I will.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Week Four - RSS feeds

I've been out of action for a while so keen to catch up to where my colleagues are at with these exercises.
The RSS websites are varied and interesting. Feedstar wasn't available when I looked, but announced that it would be back with 'exciting news'. reminded me of the NZ Herald that I'd been scanning online an hour earlier. Probably because 'Auckland New Zealand' was the default subject. I typed in 'Invercargill' for some variety and got it. Certainly a good site if I was looking for 'newsy' information. appeared to be more wordy in comparison. I thought the layout of the site was fairly boring.
Lastly Technorati. Much more interesting. I found the vidoes I chose to watch very funny - a man making a perfect circle on a blackboard in something like 2 seconds, and then another similar, but disastrous attempt, accompanied by my favourite ukelele music. I'm amazed by what people post on these sites!
Occassionally I have difficulties, but overall the sites were easy to navigate.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Week Four

I've enjoyed this exercise although I did find it very challenging to start with. I've never heard of RSS or Internet feeds, but listened to a colleague who was a few steps ahead who said 'don't get caught up in the technical terms'.
The 'Boing Boing' link went exciting that I managed this on my own. However I thought the second example, a website about Japanese Popular Culture, was a bit shocking and my reaction to it caused a laugh with the staff members close by. Decided I wouldn't link to that, instead chose a few others that looked interesting. I can see how choosing the websites I like and having them linked to bloglines could be helpful and a timesaver.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Week Three

This is an image I found on Blogger Images using the keyword 'dew'.
Enjoyed looking around Flickr. When I started this exercise it was becoming more complicated than the previous weeks, to the point where I wondered if I should keep going. Thought I'd have to set up a Yahoo account, another name, another password! However once I realised that wasn't necessary, and after a quick chat with a very computer literate work buddy, I was back on track.
Checked out the tabs, looked at 'NZ', great for tourism promotion. Can't imagine I'll ever want to look through the photos of somebody that I don't know. Also could see the sense in keeping my own digital photos in a safe place. Was lost when I got to mashups and portals, reminded me of a movie I once saw called 'Being John Malkovich'. Flickr Color Pickr also fabulous. It could be helpful for when I am looking for ideas and close up images of objects to use in my paintings.
About technology - I bought a digital camera in May. My teenage daughter has claimed it as her own and has had to help me download the very few images I have taken. It's something I would like to be efficient at in the near future.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Week Two

Visited Bebo first. Fascinating and gave me an insight into what many of the students are watching on our library computers.
I was amazed by My Space... so many people and links! I could spend hours here if I had the time. It's like a big maze and I was enjoying the spontaneity of clicking anything that caught my eye, searching without a goal in mind. Loved the music videos, obscure people whose names I've forgotten already and will probably never see again.
Facebook seemed more private and rather conservative. I can understand the appeal and see it as another good resource for keeping in touch with friends, way beyond my usual of writing a few quick lines and sending images by e-mail.
All easy to navigate...difficulties I had were getting 'downloads' (is that the right term!) to work instantly...workmates say it's to do with lack of patience...the other is remembering my passwords.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

First attempt

I'm way out of my comfort zone here but determined to see this through to the end. I like the way computers are so practical, it's great to do a quick google search or scan photos, but that's about the extent of it for me once I'm outside of the workplace. I prefer to work in the garden or paint, so when it comes to making a 'blog' I'll be needing all the help I can get. Looking forward to the challenge ahead!