Friday, December 7, 2007

Week Nine - Ebooks

After watching the video introduction I found the account easy to create and was then able to access I like nonfiction so was quite impressed with the titles available.

I saw several books that I liked and added them to my favourites list. One in particular caught my eye and my first instinct was to check our catalogue to see if it was available. I will need to have a huge shift in attitude to go from holding a book to reading the pages on a computer screen. I still prefer a nicely bound book and being able to flick through the pages randomly, instead of waiting for a computer to download them. My impatience gets me every time! However, having said that there is something appealing about being able to go on holiday with a laptop computer and the possibliltes that would allow.

I remember a year or two ago describing something like the "Kindle" to a work colleage. I thought then that it would just be a matter of time before there was something similar. Maybe one day it will be another taken for granted product. University students might be expected to have them and course notes will be read that way instead of the usual photocopied sheets.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great work here and only one more thing to go