Monday, December 3, 2007


This exercise wasn't going smoothly when I first started and I was getting impatient. However I persevered and eventually it came together. I found a reading of Harry Potter that people had commented on after listening to it (helpful for anyone wondering if it was worth their while) and an interesting lecture by Lisa Hussey about the factors that influence the choice of library studies as a future career.

Once I got started I realised how wonderful this service is. It could be an alternative way to train people - much easier sending out the message without having to type and I'm sure some people learn better by sound rather than sight.

Next day as I was listening to National Radio they said 'listen to the podcasts on our website' and then I realised I've been doing this for a while, without knowing the name of the product I was using. Maybe one day I will want to learn how to be a podcaster. I would have said 'no way' if you'd asked me two months ago but I have learnt so much about what it is possible to do with computers that now I know anything is possible.
Here's the link for National Radio podcasts

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good job on sticking with it - I hope that you take up your interest in podcasts one day, this could be a wonderful tool for libraries!